Well, we survived another road trip with the little guy. He was great! I think we are catching on to the fact that Nathan likes the great outdoors and wide open spaces. New Hampshire at Andy and Alex's house was a lot of fun. Great weather, great friends, nice and relaxing. Nathan, however, did not like the cold lake water. I think he is spoiled with the pool water from Atlanta and 80 degrees is what he prefers. So, instead of swimming he spent time with our friends Bridget and Andy and their daughter Marion, Alex and Andy, and Joel and Becca, and went for some walks. Apparently the activity wore him out because he napped every day while we were there! It was great. Marion, who is almost 3, really loved "Baby Nathan" and asked about him all day long..."Where Baby Nathan?" "What he doing?" They clearly had a bond.
In addition to making new friends and enjoying new places, Nathan also has started to clasp his hands together and today (Thursday) took his pacifier out and then put it back in his mouth all by himself! He still loves to read his books and is rolling over more and more. I am having trouble keeping him in his bouncy seat and on his changing table because he wants to move all the time!
He also had a visit from my former roommate from Atlanta, Lori, today. It was great to see her, even though it was very brief. She got to hold Nathan and say hello and then had to head upstate to visit her father in Albany.
All in all we are doing well. Lots of travel! Now we are home for a little while before we head to Orlando at the end of July to visit Grandma Geri and Grandpa Lee.

Lori and Nathan.

Nathan on a canoe ride in Lee's Pond, New Hampshire. Notice how he was helping Mommy with the umbrella.

Marion holding "Baby Nathan."

The gang (minus Nelson in the background on the stairs setting up his camera for a group photo). From left - Joel, his wife Becca, Marion, Bridge, Andy, Alex, and Jane. Scott was taking the photo.

On a walk with Andy, Bridget, Marion, Scott, Nathan, and Alex.