Sunday, July 30, 2006

Orlando and a Busy Evans Household

Well, it has been entirely too long since our last post. I knew that would happen...the pressure to keep it up was so great in the beginning and then we got busy and things went downhill....Not that there isn't lots going on in our household - there is TOO much going on - but because of the business there is not as much time to document it all!

Since the last post Nathan has interviewed and hired a new nanny named Magdalena and been to Orlando and back as well as various mommy events that I drag him to. He has also rolled over from front to back, grown out of (i.e. refused to sit in) his bouncy chair, blows bubbles and talks constantly, has discovered his hands and feet, puts everything in his mouth, continues to refuse to nap and to sleep at night, and has started laughing. Nathan is still running our household but I think we have come to terms with it and just ride the wave.

In Orlando last week for Scott's birthday, Nathan got to meet his Uncle Brian and "Aunty" Mary Anne, meet many of his Grandma Geri's friends at a belated "Welcome Nathan" shower and neighborhood party (where he got lots of wonderful gifts), spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Evans in the pool and around the house, meet his Great Grandma Azalee, and just have a whole lot of fun. Grandma Geri and Grandpa Lee went the extra mile to set up the house for Nathan - he had his own crib for the first time and new clothes and toys to play with - such fun! We think he really liked the crib because he slept longer than he had been and seemed to sleep pretty well. We purchased one today so we'll see if that is the trick (at this point we have tried anything and everything to get the kid to sleep). The trip to Orlando was all too short but really nice to spend time with family. I think Grandma Geri also enjoyed introducing Nathan to everyone - she is one proud Grandma. We have lots of pictures from the trip but will try to pick the best ones for the blog.

The latest news is that I go back to work this week so we'll see how frequently I can keep up the blog. We constantly joke that our second kid is going to have an inferiority complex because how could we possibly keep up with Nathan, a second child, and do a blog?! I guess we'll just see...just like your love expands, perhaps so does your ability to multitask.


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