Nathan Goes to Jersey
Nathan and I took a field trip today to Hoboken, New Jersey, to visit our friend Meghan and her baby Emily, who is now five weeks old. It was the first time that I took the baby, stroller, backpack, etc. in a cab by myself and it was successful! We also took the ferry to New Jersey which was a first. Nathan was very good on the boat (there is water involved, so that must be why he liked it) and then an angel (as usual) at Meghan's. He met his first cat, took a tour of Hoboken, went to a park, played on the floor, and socialized with Emily and Meghan. Of course he had a meltdown once we got home, but overall the day was great! We really enjoyed seeing Meghan (it had been almost 6 weeks) and she commented on how much Nathan has grown since the last time she saw him.
Nathan's latest trick is to try to flip out of his bouncy chair and scoot himself off of his changing table. He has figured out that if he puts his feet down on the changing table and pushes, he moves! And he is putting his rolling over skills to "good" use in the bouncy, trying to turn and flip out of it, instead of sitting still. I should have known better, given his father's inability to sit still, than to think that my little man would just be mellow. Today he also showed off his skill at turning around in a circle on the floor. I am concerned that he is going to be mobile before we are ready for it! It all makes me smile though, watching him grow. He is such a cutie pie!
Tomorrow we will get to see Sam and Ann for the first time in several weeks and then have to get ready for New Hampshire. Happy 4th of July to everyone!
This is how Emily spent most of our visit....sound asleep!
Nathan sitting up on the couch....what a cute little man!
Emily is about as long as Nathan five weeks! This is them meeting for the first time.
Emily and Nathan, together. Too bad they didn't look at each other...they just kept staring at me and Meghan.
Emily and her Mommy..
Nathan's latest trick is to try to flip out of his bouncy chair and scoot himself off of his changing table. He has figured out that if he puts his feet down on the changing table and pushes, he moves! And he is putting his rolling over skills to "good" use in the bouncy, trying to turn and flip out of it, instead of sitting still. I should have known better, given his father's inability to sit still, than to think that my little man would just be mellow. Today he also showed off his skill at turning around in a circle on the floor. I am concerned that he is going to be mobile before we are ready for it! It all makes me smile though, watching him grow. He is such a cutie pie!
Tomorrow we will get to see Sam and Ann for the first time in several weeks and then have to get ready for New Hampshire. Happy 4th of July to everyone!

Wow, all the way to Jersey!Many new yorkers have never been to Jersey. So, you are already out of their league. When you grow up, please check out Hoboken. It has some nice bars and lots of fun places...See 401 Monroe (Where I used to live, it is 2 doors from Where Sinatra grew up.
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