Nathan Keeps on Growing
We have had a nice October - the highlight of which was a CAMEL RIDE for Nathan at the Bronx Zoo. We have a photo of it and Nathan looks at it every day and shows it to everyone who comes in the apartment. What is not in the photo is the incredible meltdown he had when we took him off the camel - he wanted to stay on!
Nathan had his 18 month checkup this month and he is doing great. He is 27 pounds 6 ounces, and 33 2.5/4 inches. He is above 50% in height, weight and of course head circumference (95th percentile). The doctor was pleased with his progress and Nathan enjoyed his visit up until his Hepatitis shot and taking blood (for lead and iron count). Unfortunately they had to do the blood twice (nurse error) and so Nathan wasn't too happy. I promised we would go to the park to see his friend Oliver afterward but that did nothing. He cheered up after we LEFT the doctor. It was great to have a playdate with Oliver (two in one month now). Amazing to see how different the two of them are - Oliver is really progressing with his words and Nathan is still as active as ever. This month he is catching a ball in his hands and loves to kick and throw the ball as well. New words are "apple" and "hat" and we are trying to encourage him to learn more though he still prefers a combination of sign language, sounds, and gestures to communicate. He never fails to get his point across and when he knows that you understand him, grins and makes a funny noise which is difficult to describe in words. I need sound effects for that. He also likes to push and pull our bodies around to get us to do what he wants - i.e. piggy back ride or get up, etc.
This week Nathan is in love with pumpkins! He likes to point out every pumpkin that we pass on the street and to pick up our pumpkin and carry it around the house. He is going to be a dog for Halloween in a costume that my mom made for him and we are excited for our first trick or treating experience!
Nathan is not really into sharing right now and is going through a pushing phase. We have to keep an eye on him at the playground because he is a big toy stealer and likes to push kids over. Oh boy. What happened to "free love" rather than "free violence?" We're trying to talk him out of it.
The other week we had our first "big boy" breakfast where Nathan sat in an adult chair FOR AN ENTIRE MEAL with Scott and I. It was really cute. He was so proud of himself eating his breakfast in a big boy chair like everyone else. Of course when he was done he was off and running, even if Scott and I were still eating. But we enjoy supporting him in his efforts to do new things, though we don't want him to become a big boy just yet!
He also loves to buckle things - he can buckle himself into his booster seat and stroller (if you give him enough time and he doesn't lose patience) and is very interested in opening and closing, putting objects in and taking them out, etc. His mind seems to be always working. It is amazing to see it all coming together in his head. We can't say enough how much we are blessed with such a wonderful little boy. Picture of the "girls" with our "boys" - Sarah and Zachary with Nathan and Mommy
Daddy and Nathan in their shades - too cool!
Nathan at Hannah's birthday party
Nathan loving all the toys at Hannah's birthday party
Nathan had his 18 month checkup this month and he is doing great. He is 27 pounds 6 ounces, and 33 2.5/4 inches. He is above 50% in height, weight and of course head circumference (95th percentile). The doctor was pleased with his progress and Nathan enjoyed his visit up until his Hepatitis shot and taking blood (for lead and iron count). Unfortunately they had to do the blood twice (nurse error) and so Nathan wasn't too happy. I promised we would go to the park to see his friend Oliver afterward but that did nothing. He cheered up after we LEFT the doctor. It was great to have a playdate with Oliver (two in one month now). Amazing to see how different the two of them are - Oliver is really progressing with his words and Nathan is still as active as ever. This month he is catching a ball in his hands and loves to kick and throw the ball as well. New words are "apple" and "hat" and we are trying to encourage him to learn more though he still prefers a combination of sign language, sounds, and gestures to communicate. He never fails to get his point across and when he knows that you understand him, grins and makes a funny noise which is difficult to describe in words. I need sound effects for that. He also likes to push and pull our bodies around to get us to do what he wants - i.e. piggy back ride or get up, etc.
This week Nathan is in love with pumpkins! He likes to point out every pumpkin that we pass on the street and to pick up our pumpkin and carry it around the house. He is going to be a dog for Halloween in a costume that my mom made for him and we are excited for our first trick or treating experience!
Nathan is not really into sharing right now and is going through a pushing phase. We have to keep an eye on him at the playground because he is a big toy stealer and likes to push kids over. Oh boy. What happened to "free love" rather than "free violence?" We're trying to talk him out of it.
The other week we had our first "big boy" breakfast where Nathan sat in an adult chair FOR AN ENTIRE MEAL with Scott and I. It was really cute. He was so proud of himself eating his breakfast in a big boy chair like everyone else. Of course when he was done he was off and running, even if Scott and I were still eating. But we enjoy supporting him in his efforts to do new things, though we don't want him to become a big boy just yet!
He also loves to buckle things - he can buckle himself into his booster seat and stroller (if you give him enough time and he doesn't lose patience) and is very interested in opening and closing, putting objects in and taking them out, etc. His mind seems to be always working. It is amazing to see it all coming together in his head. We can't say enough how much we are blessed with such a wonderful little boy. Picture of the "girls" with our "boys" - Sarah and Zachary with Nathan and Mommy
Daddy and Nathan in their shades - too cool!
Nathan at Hannah's birthday party
Nathan loving all the toys at Hannah's birthday party
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