Monday, May 08, 2006

Busy day for Nathan and Jane. After a late morning and an upset stomach for him, Jane was able to do a little laundry. Nathan tried to help, but in the end, the warm clothes fresh from the drier were a little too much for him....

Nathan discovered the fluorescent lights in the kitchen today. Don't you remember the first time that you discovered fluorescent lighting?

Our friends Suzy & Steve Gilison from LA sent Nathan a very cool sweater with his name on the front.

I promise his liked it. We wore it out tonight for our walk in Central Park. Perfect for the slight chill in the air and it once again made him very popular with the ladies.....

I think I have a new love. I love my wife and I love my son, but I'm learning to love Central Park. I have now lived near and around Central Park for roughly five years. CP for me was a place to go to run, bike, rollerblade or meet friends for a picnic or activity. It was a spot to visit, use and then move on. My daily walks with Nathan have begun to open my eyes to the genius of Frederick Law Olmsted. The park was obviously made for meandering. Its winding paths stretch on for hours never seeming to cross. Tonight Nathan and I took a long walk while Jane got a long overdue pedicure and massage. The slight chill in the air and overcast skies kept the crowds away and it felt as if the two of us had the entire park to ourselves. The silence surrounded us as we walked, as if we had entered an entire new world, which of course we had. I think that Nathan felt it too as he spent most of the walk with his eyes wide open taking in the sights and sounds as we slowly wound our way around. Normally he falls immediately asleep, but he was alert for most of the entire trip through the park, only to fall asleep once we stepped out onto 5th avenue and back to real life.


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