Tuesday, September 26, 2006

He just keeps growing and growing and growing....

Well, baby food was a success! Nathan loves pretty much anything and everything he can put in his mouth. Including his socks. So far he has had butternut squash and pears and this weekend we get to try something new. Hard to believe that on Monday he'll be six months old! He has also recently started to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. He knows how to scoot backwards and turn in circles but hasn't quite figured out moving forward. I know it will be soon!

Grandma Geri was here last weekend and we enjoyed playing "show and tell" with Nathan. She was amazed at how much he had grown and changed since July. Nathan was on his best behavior and full of smiles and laughs for Grandma. It was a great weekend. She also brought up some clothes so Nathan could continue in the style to which he has become accustomed.

Nathan's latest is animal sounds and hands and feet. He loves to stare at hands and feet (not just his own) more than his toys and will try to eat them if you let him. And animal sounds of all kinds make him laugh - cows, dogs, etc. It is very cute. As usual, he does not sit still unless he is sleeping. He fidgets and is endlessly curious about the world around him, checking everything and everyone out. We are excited to see what is going to happen next! A tooth perhaps? Crawling? Who knows?! Go Ohio State! The hat doesn't quite fit, but he still has school spirit.

Nathan and his obsession....WATER. He drinks from the bottle (not neatly) and we pretty much have to hide water bottles from him so he won't scream for them or get jealous when we drink. What a big boy.


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