A new crib, new nanny, and growing every day!
Lots going on in the Evans household. Nathan's nanny, Magdalena, started last week and I am back at work, three days a week (from home). It has definitely been an adjustment, but it makes it easier that Nathan seems to have really taken to Magdalena. She is very patient and calm but also silly and fun which he enjoys. She is taking her time getting to know Nathan and is definitely letting him get to know her too. I am happy to have the time this month to spend with both of them and watch their relationship grow before I start going back to the office. Now if only we could get Nathan sleeping longer than an hour at a time at night before I go back to the office...I had thought by four months we would be there....oh well, one can always hope.
Nathan had his four month checkup this past Friday. He is 16 pounds 8 ounces and 25 1/2 inches long. He has dropped to the 75th percentile for size, but we love him anyway : ).
Doctor says the reason that Nathan is not sleeping at night is because he is hungry and ready for more substantial food than breastmilk. Of course she says this and I am so excited to give him rice cereal officially (this has been a constant debate between Scott and I) and now the kid hates rice cereal! I tried to give it to him Saturday and Sunday and he spit it back in my face. Kid just won't cut mommy a break. I think he is enjoying our nighttime bonding. Now what?!
Nathan also started on Baby Zantac this week for a continued bout of acid reflux. Seems to be working well as it has reduced his spitup, arching, fussiness, and breast refusal (yes that was the latest development...he didn't want to breastfeed). We are so glad that it is making a difference. I swear, by the time we have the next kid we are going to be EXPERTS...none of this guessing game like we do with Nathan!
Nathan also got a crib this week (see, I told you lots was going on) and he is loving it. That is, of course, when he sleeps in it, which is not that often. He is now officially in a "big boy bed" and soon we are going to have to break down and get a "big boy stroller" since he is outgrowing that too! He is just growing up so fast. This week he started grabbing his toys and "playing" (read "chewing") with them and will actually sit in his stroller or on the floor and you can hand him a toy and he will sit with it for a while. He is also scooting forward by scrunching his knees up and pushing off. I am not sure that he realizes that he is moving himself, but it gets him where he wants to go. He blows bubbles all the time and constantly tells us what he thinks of things. Yesterday he took his first two hour nap without me having to coax him back to sleep after 30 minutes - we are moving right along with his development. It is so much fun to see his personality emerging and see the new things he can do everyday. We are really enjoying the little man. Of course, I could enjoy him more if I could get some more sleep.....
Nathan in his new crib with his snuggly lamb blanket.
Cutest kid in the world! This is the smile that makes our hearts melt.
One of the twenty attempts at getting Nathan to smile in a photo, before I finally captured the smile above. This is him blowing bubbles, something he is very good at these days.
Hamming it up for the camera...
"Uh, MOM...can't you see I am trying to read?!"
Nathan had his four month checkup this past Friday. He is 16 pounds 8 ounces and 25 1/2 inches long. He has dropped to the 75th percentile for size, but we love him anyway : ).
Doctor says the reason that Nathan is not sleeping at night is because he is hungry and ready for more substantial food than breastmilk. Of course she says this and I am so excited to give him rice cereal officially (this has been a constant debate between Scott and I) and now the kid hates rice cereal! I tried to give it to him Saturday and Sunday and he spit it back in my face. Kid just won't cut mommy a break. I think he is enjoying our nighttime bonding. Now what?!
Nathan also started on Baby Zantac this week for a continued bout of acid reflux. Seems to be working well as it has reduced his spitup, arching, fussiness, and breast refusal (yes that was the latest development...he didn't want to breastfeed). We are so glad that it is making a difference. I swear, by the time we have the next kid we are going to be EXPERTS...none of this guessing game like we do with Nathan!
Nathan also got a crib this week (see, I told you lots was going on) and he is loving it. That is, of course, when he sleeps in it, which is not that often. He is now officially in a "big boy bed" and soon we are going to have to break down and get a "big boy stroller" since he is outgrowing that too! He is just growing up so fast. This week he started grabbing his toys and "playing" (read "chewing") with them and will actually sit in his stroller or on the floor and you can hand him a toy and he will sit with it for a while. He is also scooting forward by scrunching his knees up and pushing off. I am not sure that he realizes that he is moving himself, but it gets him where he wants to go. He blows bubbles all the time and constantly tells us what he thinks of things. Yesterday he took his first two hour nap without me having to coax him back to sleep after 30 minutes - we are moving right along with his development. It is so much fun to see his personality emerging and see the new things he can do everyday. We are really enjoying the little man. Of course, I could enjoy him more if I could get some more sleep.....

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