Friday, March 16, 2007

Nathan Continued

We are still settling into our new home, but enjoying the experience. I am now taking the ferry to and from work every day and it is so much more civilized and enjoyable than the underground train. I really look forward to the spring and summer weather on the ferry, which will make it that much nicer.

Nathan is enjoying looking out the windows every day. I didn't realize that he had never had access to the windows before so he loves looking out at the people and the "puppy dogs" and blowing everyone kisses. A riot, truly.

Today we had a reunion with Nathan's friend Oliver. Oliver's mom Carol braved the cold wind and hail to come over from Manhattan and visit our new home. It was really great. Nathan and Oliver played well together - Nathan's "mama" was well matched with Oliver's "dada" and they both said "baba" together, shared toys, and generally got a kick out of seeing each other again. It was really cute. I, too, really enjoyed spending time with Carol and catching up as it had been several weeks.

This weekend we will be staying in, I think, because of the weather. Possibly running some errands and still hanging pictures and doing things around the house. Nathan is still practicing the walking but not yet ready to let go. I can't believe we are a week and a half away from him being one year old. Parenthood is such fun.
Nathan looks out the window.
A belated 11 month photo!
Blowing kisses.
Playing with Oliver.
Playing with Daddy!


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