Friday Evening Sushi and Saturday

Well, Nathan and I had a great visit with my co-workers but we got so caught up in the excitement of seeing everyone that we forgot to take any pictures! DARN. Trust me that it was a fun day. We spent almost 5 hours in the office seeing the people that we had planned to see and then seeing lots of people that we hadn't planned to see. Nathan, the boy who never naps, napped on the cab ride over to work and in my team meeting where I wanted to introduce him to everyone, then did a great job of flirting with the ladies, ate an 8 ounce bottle, flirted some more, and then took another nap! It was a great day.
Last night we headed to the park for sushi in the park. To our disappointment the Sheep's Meadow was closed and it looked like it could pour any minute. But we stuck around and sat on a bench overlooking the pond and ate our dinner and it cleared up right before our eyes. It ended up being a beautiful night. Scott put Nathan in the Bjorn facing out for the first time and he loved it! He was wide eyed staring at everything around him. It was really cute.
The best news of the week is that Nathan slept for a 7 hour stretch last night! I woke up before he did, in a panic because I knew we had missed a feeding and he was snoozing away. I hope this is just the beginning of a nice pattern. I think it was because he took a 3 hour nap yesterday so that set him up nicely to sleep.
This morning we got up and went to breakfast with Laura Kessler and her fiance Mark, who are moving up to New York in August. We are so excited to have them up here and look forward to spending time with them. It was great to catch up over breakfast and take a walk in the park. Today was one of our first nice days in a LONG while!
Sunday we are off to picnic in the park with baby Oliver and his parents Jon and Carol. It is forecast to be a beautiful day.
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