Finally Fall!
I am having a hard time concentrating tonight while I compose the blog, thanks to our upstairs neighbors. It sounds like they are bowling or dropping furniture up there. I am amazed that Nathan can stay asleep. Ok, where was I?
Nathan and I both ended up getting sick again - his second cold - so unfortunately did not make it to the Poconos. Thank goodness, however, that Grandma and Grandpa Evans were able to come to the city for a day to visit. It was such fun seeing them and they were amazed at how much Nathan had changed.
The latest on Nathan this week is his third tooth! On the top. Which may explain a lot of crankiness. Either that or it is just his personality. He does not like to sit in his stroller, or sit anywhere these days. His favorite thing to do is stand holding onto fingers, or swing in the park, or EAT. Scott and I have taken to eating after he has gone to bed because we can't take the stares....
Nathan is also sitting up all by himself. Meaning he can push himself from laying down into a sitting position. It is quite amazing. We had to lower the crib because he is getting more and more mobile, though not crawling yet.
We have enjoyed a couple of gorgeous and mild days here in New York City which is making it hard to concentrate at work. Tonight, for Nathan's first Halloween, we put him in a pumpkin outfit (the only approved "costume" that Scott would allow - thank you Grandma Geri), carved a pumpkin, and toured the neighborhood to show him off. He didn't seem to mind the outfit and boy did he look cute. Check him out yourself.
We are gearing up for the holidays. Can't believe Nathan will be 7 months old tomorrow! Happy Halloween!
Carving pumpkins with Daddy
Where's Nathan?!
Nathan on his playdate with Sam and Oliver at Sam's apartment...Sam is in the lobster outfit. Oliver obviously thinks that it is pretty funny.
At the Central Park pumpkin patch! We arrived late and departed with 4 pumpkins...
Nathan and I both ended up getting sick again - his second cold - so unfortunately did not make it to the Poconos. Thank goodness, however, that Grandma and Grandpa Evans were able to come to the city for a day to visit. It was such fun seeing them and they were amazed at how much Nathan had changed.
The latest on Nathan this week is his third tooth! On the top. Which may explain a lot of crankiness. Either that or it is just his personality. He does not like to sit in his stroller, or sit anywhere these days. His favorite thing to do is stand holding onto fingers, or swing in the park, or EAT. Scott and I have taken to eating after he has gone to bed because we can't take the stares....
Nathan is also sitting up all by himself. Meaning he can push himself from laying down into a sitting position. It is quite amazing. We had to lower the crib because he is getting more and more mobile, though not crawling yet.
We have enjoyed a couple of gorgeous and mild days here in New York City which is making it hard to concentrate at work. Tonight, for Nathan's first Halloween, we put him in a pumpkin outfit (the only approved "costume" that Scott would allow - thank you Grandma Geri), carved a pumpkin, and toured the neighborhood to show him off. He didn't seem to mind the outfit and boy did he look cute. Check him out yourself.
We are gearing up for the holidays. Can't believe Nathan will be 7 months old tomorrow! Happy Halloween!