Thursday, May 11, 2006

Happy Thursday

Today was a busy day in Nathan-land. After an early wake up (5:30) and walk with Grandma, Nathan had a long morning nap, including one false wake-up, and then a nice lunch with Jane's friend Meghan from Ernst & Young. Meghan is pregnant and expecting her first baby on May 20th so Nathan told her all about his likes and dislikes and how to care for a newborn. He also allowed her to get some practice with a baby. After lunch Jane and Geri took Nathan to Jane's six week checkup via Central Park. In spite of being due for a feeding, Nathan was on his best behavior with Grandma Geri in the doctor's office, flirting with the nurses and doctors. Dr. Gray, the ob-gyn who delivered Nathan, was quite impressed with him and everyone commented on how cute he was....this inflated Nathan's ego enough for the walk home through Central Park and another cat nap. Being five weeks old is exhausting because this evening he is napping again, waiting for his daddy to come home from a day trip to Boston to play with him. Tomorrow will be another fun day with more visitors, including Scott's co-worker Ousmane and Jane's friend Lauren from college, and sadly, Grandma Geri's departure. We don't know what we'll do without her help and Nathan will certainly miss his grandma!

Nathan waking from his nap after the return from the doctor's office. Notice the marks around his face from sucking his favorite consolation - the pacifier!

Mommy and Nathan walking through the wisteria in Central Park after the doctor appointment.

Jane and her friend Meghan.

Grandma Geri last night reading to Nathan before bedtime.


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