Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fussy Baby

Oh where oh where did my mild mannered beautiful little boy go? With the changing of the weather, so too have we seen a change in our son. Over the past few days, Nathan has turned "fussy." I had never used the word fussy prior to having a child, but it is the perfect word to describe Nathan's mood. His fussiness has made him restless which in turn has made us sleepless. I at least have the option of escaping to my office during the week, but it's been a bit taxing on Jane.

His problems seem to be gastrointestinal. Nathan has certainly become a very prodigious pooper. Since he cares little for decorum, it's pretty funny to watch him "work one out." His face scrunches up and he shakes his head back and forth as he punches the air. His grunts become louder and louder and after what is obviously a titanic struggle on the part of our son, he stiffens up, his face relaxes and we are rewarded with a cacophonous roar, whereas his problem then becomes our problem. After the third "ruined" outfit, we finally wised up and bought the next size diaper.

We are trying our best with remedies. I picked up some Gripe Water and we are continuing with the little tummies. We are doing lots of exercises with him, standing and leg-pumps to try and help him along. Hopefully once the skies clear again so will Nathan's mood.

Auntie Katie came over on Thursday night.....

Which gave Jane a much needed break

During our evening stroll in the park, we ran into the filming of The Nanny Diaries. Nathan was almost discovered, but he slept the entire time we walked by. Still, we did linger....

After a particularly nasty day weatherwise, the skies cleared to reveal a beautiful evening.

Today we are back in the park. Picnic with Ann, Sam, Carol, Oliver and the Dads at 1pm. It's a little cloudy now and tomorrow is the AIDS walk in the park which will make it a little crowded. Posted by Picasa


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