Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday Morning

This morning Nathan awoke after a good night's sleep (4 hour stretches each time) at 7:30. This was to the great relief of his parents, who were worried that after a fussy day yesterday and no nap, we were in for a long night. But a midnight walk/quest to find Little Tummys medicine for Nathan and a feeding seemed to calm him and he settled in for the night. After awaking, Nathan snuggled with Mommy and Daddy and fell back asleep until 9:30! So we started the day with breakfast and then playtime and conversation with Daddy, where Scott made multiple attempts to capture Nathan's adorable new smile on camera, to no avail. Afterward, Nathan had a late morning bath and lunch then got ready to go to the park and celebrate Dave Miller's birthday in the park downtown.

Smiles and conversation with Daddy....

Drying off after bathtime (Nathan was ready for lunch at this point so was not very happy)

We would be remiss if we didn't mention that Nathan's Uncle David called this morning to tell us that he got engaged to Lauren Woodall last night. Congratulations Uncle David and the future Aunt Lauren! We are all very excited for you both and can't wait for you to become part of the Wilson family.

Dave Miller (birthday boy) kicking his pinata in the park (we did not have a bat or stick to open it...not that the boys would have used it anyway...this was way more fun to them)

Mommy hanging out with the other mommy who was in the park, comparing notes.


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